If you or someone you know has been impacted significantly after being the victim of a crime. The New Jersey Victims of Crime Compensation Office (NJVCCO) has many resources that can assist you. These resources range from Medical Services, Mental Health Counseling, Loss of financial support or earnings, and much more.
The Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights was enacted in 2019 to outline basic protections and fundamental rights for survivors. As a survivor of sexual violence, the time immediately following an assault can seem confusing and overwhelming. The next steps in the aftermath of an assault should be led by the survivor.
Survivors have the right to:
- Choose whether to report to law enforcement.
- Be free from any suggestion that they must report the crime to have their rights guaranteed. - Be free from any suggestion that victims should refrain from reporting crimes in order to avoid unwanted personal publicity.
- Have their report of sexual assault treated seriously.
- Any many other rights as well that can be found in the full bill of right below.