The Chief of Police is the executive head of the Morris Plains Police Department. Michael M. Koroski, who was sworn in as Chief of Police on April 2nd, 2020, is responsible for the general direction, control and administration of the Police Department, oversight of all divisions and day to day operations of the Agency. Chief Koroski also serves as the Office of Emergency Management Coordinator for Morris Plains.
One of the primary objectives Chief Koroski has set for the Department is maintaining current, and establishing new cooperative relationships with civic, recreation, business organizations, schools, other groups and police authorities in other jurisdictions, so that the community of Morris Plains continues to receive exceptional police service.
The Morris Plains Police Department's Patrol Division is the face of the Department. These are the uniformed officers that are visible in day to day operations of the Police Department. Currently, Lieutenant Ryan McKay is in command of the Patrol Division and oversees its overall operation. The Patrol Division currently consists of 12 officers, 4 Sergeants and 8 Patrol Officers. Each shift is comprised of 3 Officers per "squad", with each squad having 1 Sergeant, who is in command of 2 Patrol Officers. The patrol officers work rotating, 12 hour shifts that alternate between day shift and night shift every two weeks.
The duties of the Patrol Division include, but are not limited to: enforcement of New Jersey Criminal Laws, Motor Vehicle Laws and Morris Plains Local Ordinances. Officers conduct motor vehicle enforcement to include radar enforcement, investigation of motor vehicle crashes, detection of drug and alcohol related offenses, conduct residential patrol to ensure resident safety, respond to and investigate domestic violence calls and conduct foot patrols of vital infrastructure, such as the town center, train station and schools. Patrol officers also are certified first responders, trained in basic medical response, and will also respond to all fire calls.
The Morris Plains Police Department also maintains a Detective Bureau. The Detective Bureau currently consists of one Supervising Officer, a Sergeant, and one Patrol Officer who is assigned to the Detective Bureau full time. This branch of the Department is overseen by the Chief of Police, Michael Koroski.
The Detective Bureau has many responsibilities, including Firearms Background Checks, handing of Public Information such as press releases, Megan's Law Sex Offender registration, town volunteer background checks, maintaining the department's evidence and evidence room and follow-up investigations of criminal offenses reported to the agency.
The Support Services Division of the Morris Plains Police Department is responsible for overseeing many important aspects of the Department. Some of the activities include the School Crossing Guards, Community Policing activities, Community Service and Animal Control. The Support Services Commander also oversees the Patrol Division Fleet as well as all town events, such as the Fireworks and Memorial Day Parade.
The Morris Plains Police Department Records Bureau is located within the Police Department on the First Floor of the Municipal Building. This division is headed by Detective Sergeant Rapp, and has multiple vital responsibilities within the police department, including Alarm Billing, disbursement of agency reports (discovery), and other municipal forms.
The Mission of the Morris Plains Police Department is that "We envision a partnership among all people as we strive to keep our community the safest it can be. We are committed to serving our community with...honor, courtesy and integrity. This will enable us to confront any challenges which may lie ahead.
Core Values
Integrity - high performance and moral standards, ethical conduct and truthfulness.
Respect - treat all persons in a dignified and courteous manner and exhibit understanding of ethnic and cultural diversity.
Service - provide quality service in a courteous, efficient and accessible manner, emphasizing individual leadership while empowering all employees with decision making and problem solving ability.
Fairness - treat all people impartially with consideration, empathy and compassion.
Pride - emphasis is placed on high professional standards, continuing education and physical and emotional good health.